
Chase Beaded Jump Rope

 950.00 1,200.00

  • ✅ All-level Training – Best beginner’s jump rope for freestyling, learning tricks, and releases
  • ✅ Shatter-proof long handles making it perfect choice for doing/learning freestyle tricks
  • ✅ Better Rope Feedback (Know where your rope is when it swings)
  • ✅ Durability: Shatter-proof beads protect the rope
  • ✅ Adjustable Length
  • ✅ Long, Shatter Proof hard plastic handles


Rope length (excluding handles): 120 inch (300 cm)

Handle length: 8 inch (20 cm) / handle i.e. 16 inch (40 cm) both handles

Total length (rope + both handles): 136 inch (345 cm)

SKU: BeadJR Category: Tags: ,
  • ✅ All-level Training – Best beginners jump rope for freestyle, learning proper tricks, and releases. The beads provide just the right weight and feedback to feel the rhythm, which helps to learn advanced skills more quickly.
  • ✅ Learning Tricks – Recommend by athletes and coaches and used for feedback and to improve coordination when drilling new jump rope skills and strict form. It will not kink and keeps its shape for executing tricks.
  • ✅ Feedback – The beads provide an extra bit of weight to give the jumper more feel of the cable as it rotates around them. This allows the jumper to learn more advanced skills more easily.
  • ✅ Durability – The beads protect the cord running through the jump rope. A great option for jumping on any surface including harsher surfaces outside!
  • ✅ Extra Reach – The long handle gives an extra reach while doing advanced crosses, tricks, and combinations with ease. It acts as an extension of the arms and allows comfortable body positions while executing complicated tricks.
  • ✅ Adjustable Length – The 10ft length can be easily resized, simply untie the knot at one end of the handle, remove the extra beads, tie back the knots, and cut the excess cord.
Weight 0.5 kg
Color Options

Black, White, Purple, Yellow

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Chase Beaded Jump RopeChase Beaded Jump Rope
 950.00 1,200.00Select options
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